Back Pain Treatments

Most people will suffer back pain at some point. Sometimes, back pain is just an occasional and minor nuisance. However, it’s crucial to never underestimate aches and pains. Ultimately, pain is a warning signal, and your body is trying to tell you something is wrong. Fortunately, by working with Dr. Jennifer Hanson at Meyer Chiropractic in Stillwater, OK, it may be possible to enjoy pain relief while also addressing the root causes of your backaches. 

The Many Causes of Back Pain

Unfortunately, many different things can cause back pain. You may have been born with a misshapen spine. Bad posture, including when you were a child, may have overburdened or shortened your muscles. The office chair you use at work or the recliner in your living room may fail to provide enough support.

You may have also knocked your spine out of proper alignment while incurring a sports injury, or have sustained small wear-and-tear injuries over time. Likewise, if you’ve been in a car accident, chronic back pain is a relatively common problem afterward. Whiplash can be especially problematic. This condition occurs when your head and neck whip forward, while your body is restrained by a seat belt. Besides causing back pain, whiplash can have a severe impact on the muscles in your neck and head, thus potentially leading to severe headaches, jaw pain, and more.

Your diet, lifestyle, nutrition, age, and various other factors could all impact your propensity for various aches. If you live in or near Stillwater, OK, and need back pain relief, come work with Dr. Hanson.

The Many Treatments for Back Pain

Just as many things can cause back pain, many treatments can relieve it. Many people first turn to painkillers and rest to treat back pain. This approach can be fine if you only suffer mild backaches on rare occasions. However, if you suffer reoccurring or especially severe back pain, a more hands-on approach to treatment could help.

Chiropractic adjustments can be used to realign the spine. This could relieve muscle tension not only during treatment but also going forward. Massage therapy and the Graston Technique can reduce muscle tension. On top of that, acupuncture may stimulate your body’s natural healing processes and encourage the release of endorphins, which are one of your body’s natural pain relief mechanisms. Many other forms of treatment, along with lifestyle and nutritional adjustments, may also provide relief.

What treatment is right for you or your loved ones? Each patient and their condition are unique. The best first step for dealing with back pain in Stillwater, OK, is to call 405 372 6919 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hanson at Meyer Chiropractic.

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